Thursday, August 18, 2011

4.Fate of the little fish

There was a small river in which daddy fish was trying to teach the baby fish how to swim.

The baby fish was finding it very hard to learn and it was heart broken.

Daddy fish felt sorry for its son and said
"Watch me swim and follow me along the waves.You will swim very well very soon."

The baby fish was obedient and followed all the instructions its father gave.

Days passed by and the son fish learnt to swim very well.Daddy fish was proud to see its son swim well.

Father fish was slowing down a little bit,as it was getting old.

One day both of them left to search for food.

Son fish was following the daddy fish that was swimmming slowly.

It got impatient and said
"Dad,you swim very slow,look at the way I swim,I move like a breeze."
It also said
"you are too old,you can't even swim properly.I don't want to swim with you.
I'am loosing all the fun because of you."

Father fish felt very sad of its son's arrogacne but kept quiet and continued swimming slowly.

The son fish took lead and swam very fast.

They could not find any prey and they didn't stop searching.

Suddenly father fish that is experienced in finding prey for the family found a fly fall in water.It swam fast and caught it.

The son noticed it and was jealous because its old father could catch its prey and it had not caught any yet.

It wanted to prove to its father that it was superior.

So it swam faster than ever and found a worm wiggling in the water near the shore.
Overjoyed by that,it opened its mouth to catch it.

Father fish saw its son and yelled "Stop it son,don't catch that worm."

Son ignored its father and caught the worm.

All of a sudden the fish felt its mouth caught with the worm.

It only realised that the worm was bait
but it was too late.

Father fish wept when it saw the son fish being pulled along with the bait.

The fisherman on the shore pulled the bait and along came the fish.

The fish understood that its father stopped it from catching the bait.

It failed to understand that though its father was old,it was experienced and could differentiate between bait and food.

But it was too late to learn that with experience and modesty one would achieve more than with arrogance and jealousy.

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